Most of us have forgotten our songs, the songs that soothed our great grandmothers, the songs the wind whistles through the oak branches, the songs the moon croons over her sleeping children.

The songs that we now long to sing to our own babies.

It’s time to sing again, to sing our world new again…and our babies to rest.

Mamababy song circles are a space where we remember that singing is our birthright, that each one of us has a voice of pure medicine for our children, our own hearts and bodies, our lives, and our world.

Let’s remember the art of singing our souls alive again.

Soothe ~ Commune ~ Bless ~ Rest

You will learn songs to…

SOOTHE…your aching heart & restless nervous system

COMMUNE…with the other than human world, your ancestors, your deep self

BLESS…your baby, body and life with your voice


Mamababy song circles are for pregnant mamas, mamas of babies (6 weeks-3yo*), aunties, and elders.

*Please inquire directly if you’re wanting to bring older children with you to see if this space would be a good fit for everyone.

Each circle has a max of 10 mamas to keep them intimate. 1-2 aunties** will be present to assist you and me before, during and after circle.

**If you’re interested in being an auntie, reach out directly.

Each circle includes a simple and nourishing veg-friendly breakfast and yummy herbal drink. You’ll leave sated in body, heart, and soul.

Winter circle dates

  • January

    1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31

    Fridays, 10am-12pm

    Private South Austin residence

  • February

    2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28

    Fridays, 10am-12pm

    Private South Austin residence

  • March

    3/7, 3/14

    Fridays, 10am-12pm

    Private South Austin residence

Sliding scale offering:


  • 4 circle pass ($150-120)

  • 1 circle ($55-35)

  • Payment via Venmo (@innerhum8 - last 4 digits 9842)